Filed under abolition of slave trade

A Flogging In Jamaica

At times the stories of Silas Told seems to be over romanticised, but this account is one of the most realistic seeming parts of the book. It also sheds light on the sort of people who were involved in the trade – in his instance, he had no choice in it. This is from his … Continue reading

Methodism in Antigua

This is from Captain – brother of the poet Robert- Southey’s Chronological History of the West Indies. IN 1760 Mr Nathanial Gilbert, a Methodist, and speaker of the house of assembly in Antigua, collected a few persons in his own house for exhortation and prayer, and afterwards publicly preached the gospel to the slaves. “Amidst … Continue reading

In a Far Away Field

Over the years I have gathered a huge collection of pamphlets and information on places I have visited; this is an article on Clevedon Church, to the south of Bristol on the coast. Once a tiny fishing village, it became a Victorian resort and is now commuter belt. The graveyard is large, with the oldest … Continue reading

Water and Freedom

Water and Freedom

Just outside the houses of Parliament in London is this ornate Gothic drinking fountain for humans and dogs. It was built in 1835 by Charles Buxton, MP in commemoration of the passing of the Emancipation of Slaves in British colonies the previous year. It is also in memory of his father Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, … Continue reading

Opposition to the Slave Trade

Here’s a surprising piece – of the citizens of Jamaica, the majority of whom I assume were slave owners – requesting a reduction in the slave trade. But on the other hand it is less surprising – Jamaica was the destination for missionaries encouraging abolition, and free emigrants were also opposed to the heinous trade, … Continue reading

Coffee, Railways and Football in Brazil

I have long been fascinated by Britain’s involvement in South America – I think it started with the discovery of the Welsh speaking colony in Patagonia. So here’s another strange tale, about the railway built from Sao Paulo in Brazil, to the town of Paranapiacuba, which meant where you can behold the sea, in the local … Continue reading

All My Kindle Books

Here is a list of all my books all in one place. Some of them have been published in paperback, though may be under different titles. They are all on Amazon, and they are all unlike anything you will find anywhere. The Big World of Mr Bridges’ Microcosm: A Man, A clock, A world that … Continue reading

Slavery & Abolition Sites – Gloucestershire

Gloucester Cathedral Monument to William Warburton (1698-1779) Bishop of Gloucester, buried there. Warburton was one of the best known and controversial figures of the 18th century, his ‘Divine Legation of Moses’, a defence of Pope, was widely read.  He was an enemy to Methodism, a friend and literary executor to Pope, whose work he defended, … Continue reading